This page is dedicated to help students navigate the MyDSCPortal. You can click on the links listed below to be directed to that section of this page.
- Login to MyDSC
- Student Intake form
- Schedule an Appointment
- Submit Quarter Request
- Scheduling Exams with the DSC
Login to MyDSC
- Navigate to the new MyDSC.
- Select Student when asked, “What type of user are you?”
- You will need to have an active UCnetID and password to log in.
Student Intake Form
Completing the Intake Form is the first step towards getting accommodations from the DSC.
- Login to MyDSC.
- From the Home screen, select Accommodation from the left menu.
- Select Intake Form
- Scroll to read and complete all relevant fields and at the very bottom, select Submit.
Sample Form:
- You will get a confirmation message and email from the DSC, confirming that your form has been received.
Within 5 business days, you will be assigned to a DSC counselor, and will be sent instructions on how to schedule an intake appointment with your counselor.
Schedule an Appointment
When you are assigned to a DSC counselor, you will be emailed instructions on how to schedule your first intake appointment. Read that email carefully, so you know the correct appointment type and counselor.
- Login to MyDSC.
- From the Home screen, select Appointments from the left menu.
- Select Request New Appointment.
- Choose : Appointment Type and preferred Location then Check Availability.
- Select one of the available appointment times that appear on the left.
- Once you have made a selection, a Confirm Appointment window will appear. Read through the information and complete any required fields. If you require accommodations for your meeting, please be sure to contact either our Deaf and Hard of Hearing coordinator at or
- You will receive a confirmation email and scheduled appointments will appear in your MyDSC account.
Submit Quarter Request
Ever quarter you must submit your quarter requests. Accommodations are not retroactive, so it is important that you submit your quarter requests early.
- Login to MyDSC.
- From the Home screen, select Accommodation from the left menu and then Quarter Request.
- Select Add New.
- Select the Quarter from the drop down and then you can either Submit For All Accommodations or Review the Renewal.
Most students select Submit For All, which will submit all of your approved accommodations for all of the classes you are currently enrolled in. Review the Renewal allows you to review your approved accommodations and select which classes you want the accommodations for.
- Your DSC counselor will review your Quarter Request and send letter to your Faculty.
Schedule Exams with DSC
The following testing information is for students who are registered with the DSC and have been approved for a testing accommodation.
In order to receive your testing accommodations, you must do the following:
- Submit your quarterly requests on MyDSC under the Accommodation tab and clicking Quarter Request. Once your quarterly requests have been submitted, the DSC office can proceed with sending your accommodations letter to your instructor. This letter notifies your instructor that you have been approved for the accommodation.
- Complete the DSC Testing Request section under the Testing Room section in MyDSC and click New Booking Request to add the course, date and time of your exam. If you have difficulties navigating the MyDSC page, please contact Please scheduled your exams as soon as you have that information available, and at least 5 business days before an exam is scheduled to take place.
- Confirm that your exams have been scheduled by checking your MyDSC account. It will take around 5 business day for your exam to be scheduled. Details are below.

If you have changes to your exam schedule, have questions, or experience difficulty with the Testing Request form, contact the For additional information on exams, including canceling and confirming exams, please visit Testing Accommodations.