Instructor Resources

This page is being developed as a resource for instructors. New resources will be added and updated regularly. You can also browse DSC’s Faculty FAQ.


The DSC provides test proctoring services from the hours of 8:00am-4:45pm. The DSC proctors exams that are being taken in-person on campus. The DSC will return exams to professors by 3 business days from the completion of the exam. Professors may choose to have their exam scanned and email returned or if they would like the exam back quicker, they may opt to come in to pick up the exam from the DSC. Information on remote testing can be found below, and common questions are answered in the Faculty FAQ.

The page, Why Testing Accommodations, also addresses how testing accommodations are determined and why they are important.

Manage Your Course

The DSC Portal allows instructors to manage & view a list of students enrolled in their course who have accommodations. Instructors can also input testing information into the DSC system for in person testing, once it resumes.

Extra Time

If you have a time limit on your exam, you can grant extended time for students with an accommodation. Review how to give students extra time on Canvas exams.

Online Proctoring Services

If you use a proctoring tool and you have students who use assistive technology, please reach out to the DSC.


“How to Give Accommodations” on ProctorU
If you receive an accommodation letter related to testing, email prior to the scheduled exam(s).

Respondus LockDown Browser

“Is Lockdown Browser Accessible?”
Respondus details how their lockdown browser can be used with various assistive technologies.

Contact DSC Testing

If you still have questions about testing accommodations, contact DSC Testing, or call 949-824-7494.