Frequently Asked Questions
I’m the parent of a student with a disability, how can I support them?
The DSC website is a resource for you, as well as your student. You are welcome to contact the Disability Services Center if you have concern for your student’s safety or well-being. Otherwise, since we are an adult learning environment and your student is protected under FERPA, we will refer you back to your student.
Here are some resources we think are helpful for parents of students with disabilities:
- Jane Jarrow, Open Letter to Parents
- Supporting Your College Student: Tips for Parents
- Preparing you High School Student for College: Tips for Parents
- FERPA for Parents
Additional Resources:
- American Psychological Association: A Brief Guide and Frequently Asked Questions for Parents of Students with Disabilities
- Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities
- Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education
- Parenting Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities
Is there a special admissions process for students with disabilities?
No. There is no special application process for students with disabilities and students are not required to disclose their disability during the admissions process.
I’m an incoming student, when can I register with the DSC.
You can fill out the intake form after the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline has passed, which happens in early May.
How do students register with DSC?
Students may register with DSC once they have been admitted, completed their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) and received their UCI Student ID. Once admitted, register with DSC by filling out the DSC Intake Form.
Will I receive the same accommodations and services that I received in high school?
Some accommodations may remain the same, and others may change since Postsecondary education is a totally different arena. Almost everything about the postsecondary system is different from what you have experienced before. This includes how a college may address
your needs for accessing its educational program and the information it needs to accomplish this.
When can I find out what accommodations I am eligible for?
Once you have registered online with DSC, the DSC staff will contact you to make an appointment to discuss accommodations. The documentation you provide and the interactive process with the DSC Counselor will determine the functional limitations that accommodations will address in the higher education environment.
What types of documentation does DSC require?
DSC requires recent documentation of a disability. This can be obtained by having a student’s health care professional or mental health care provider fill out forms available on Documentation page, or by a recent psychoeducational assessment.
Please see our page on documentation guidelines.
The IEP is a K-12 document that might provide the DSC Counselor with background information, but does not have enough information to provide academic accommodations in the college environment.
Does DSC provide medication management?
No. Students will need to manage and administer their own medications. UCI does not have a facility on campus to dispense student’s medication.
Who helps students with educational goals and course planning?
Educational goals are determined by each student in consultation with their academic department and academic adviser. Students arrange their own class schedules and register for classes online.
I need a specially designed laptop. Does DSC provide this?
The college is responsible for ensuring that their programs and activities are accessible to students with disabilities. If this means that physical modifications are needed such as a raised desk or lowered laboratory table, then the college takes care of that. Special equipment of a personal nature is not paid for by a college. However, the distinctions between modified equipment for accessibility and personal special equipment can vary so it is always best to discuss these issues with the DSC. If your student is a client of Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DOR), they should be discussing these issues with their DOR counselor as well.
What is a ‘reasonable accommodation’?
A reasonable accommodation provides access to the curriculum or the classroom by reducing barriers to access without fundamentally altering the curriculum or program. A reasonable accommodation does not guarantee success, but does provide an equal opportunity to be successful or not.
Does DSC provide tutoring?
DSC does not provide tutoring. UCI provides learning and writing resources that are available to all students on campus. Because of Federal guidelines, colleges are not mandated to provide tutorial services to ensure access to their educational programs.
I am in the hospital. Can you talk to my professors to work out extensions on assignments or exams?
We encourage students with chronic health conditions to work ahead of the syllabus, as most coursework, assignments and exams are listed on the syllabus available the first day of class.
We encourage the student to contact their instructors as soon as possible to begin a conversation on how to best proceed. DSC is always available to verify the absence, support or make a recommendation, but the final decision belongs with the instructor depending on the specific requirements of the course.
I have an injury and live just off campus. Can DSC help me with transportation to work and classes?
No. Students will need to rely on public transportation to off campus locations. DSC provides a service for transporting students around the campus ring, called Ring Road Rides. This service does not go off-campus, however it can be a great resource for students needing to get from class to class. Please discuss this service with a DSC Counselor.
I need additional time on their placement exams. Can this be arranged before school starts?
Yes. However, you must first register with DSC and be eligible for the requested accommodation. You will coordinate the request with a DSC Counselor.
Do I automatically qualify for a housing accommodation by being registered with DSC?
Accommodations are unique to each student and based upon disability documentation, the interactive process and the student’s functional limitations. Notify your DSC Counselor of your housing needs as soon as possible.
I have a food allergy, can I be exempt from the meal plan?
If you require a special diet for medical reasons, Hospitality and Dining Services are well prepared to assist you by customizing the menu to fit your needs. Students should contact one of the dining managers for complete information and to assist them with developing a meal plan. To consult with a nutritionist, you may contact the UCI Health Center at 949.824.5301 or UCI Health Education at 949.824.9355. In some cases, exemption from the meal plan is a reasonable accommodation.
Will the DSC provide an aide for me like I received in high school?
Students who requires personal attendant services are responsible for making arrangements in providing for his/her own personal attendant. The University does not assume coordination or financial responsibilities for personal attendant services.
Will my speech therapy and counseling continue as stated on my IEP?
UCI does not provide speech therapy for students. Students requiring speech therapy after high school will need to work with a speech therapist in the community at the students’ expense. UCI does provide short-term counseling services that are voluntary and available through the UCI Counseling Center.