1.5 Extended Test Time
Student is allowed one and a half times (50% more time) the regular exam duration. For example, if the regular duration is 60 minutes then the 1.5 extended time accommodation would be 90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes).
2.0 Extended Test Time
Student is allowed double/two times (100% more time) the regular exam duration. For example, if the regular duration is 60 minutes then the 2.0 extended time accommodation would be 120 minutes (2 hours).
Accessible or Ergonomic Furniture
Student is allowed accessible furniture in classroom or for testing purposes at DSC. This can include adjustable height desks for accessibility with wheel chairs as well as chairs for more back support.
Accommodation Letter
Students will send out their Accommodations Letters each quarter through their MyDSC Portal which notifies their professors of their registration with the DSC and their approved classroom and testing accommodations. Students must fill out and submit the online Accommodations Letter requests at the beginning of each quarter, no later than Friday of Week 2, or at the time of first registering.
Adaptive Technology/ Computing-Other
Student is eligible for Adaptive Technology provided by DSC such as Kurzweil 1000/3000, Read/Write Gold (RWG), ZoomText, Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS).The type is specified in the accommodations description box. Students are provided access to technology for exams and study/ home use.
Alternate Media-Other
Student is eligible for alternate media/conversion in another format not otherwise listed in the accommodation listing (i.e. 3D printing, alternate models, diagrams, etc.)
Assistive Listening Device (ALD/ALS)
Student is eligible for an Assistive Listening Device/System (ALD/ALS) to aid in the hearing of lectures or discussions.
Assistive Technology/Computing-Testing
Student may use assistive technology such as Kurzweil, Read and Write Gold (RWG), Dragon Naturally Speaking or Zoomtext when taking exams. Student will likely need to take their exams at DSC as they will need to use our computers to access the programs.
Student is eligible to have course materials (for their enrolled courses) such as textbooks, readings, course handouts, and etc. converted to Braille.
Classroom Accommodations-Other
Students may receive other specified accommodations in the classroom that will be listed here. The accommodation will be described in the description box.
Digital Audio Format (MP3, WAV, CD, etc.)
Student is eligible to have course materials (for their enrolled courses) converted into an audio format.
Digital Document Format
Student is eligible to have course materials (for their enrolled courses) converted to a digital format such as a word document (DOC), plain text (TXT), rich text (RTF), DAISY, HTML or portable document format (PDF). This allows them to utilize reading software such as Kurzweil with their course materials.
DSC Notes
Student is eligible to receive course lecture notes. The professor, a TA, or a student note-taker recruited from the course, will provide notes to DSC which will then be shared with the eligible student.
Early Syllabus
Student is eligible to have access to the syllabus prior to the beginning of the quarter.
Eating During Exam
Student is allowed to have and consume food/beverage while taking an exam.
Enlarged Text(s)/Material(s)
Student is eligible to have their course materials, including exams, converted to an enlarged text format. Often this is achieved by converting the material to a PDF file for it to be viewed larger on a computer. When this is not possible, for instance when the student requires a hard copy, we use the copier to enlarge the material.
Extended Test Time Other
Student receives a specified extended test time.
Food Break(s)
Student is allowed intermittent breaks during class or an exam to eat food.
Medical Absence(s)
Students with the accommodation of medical/disability related absences have disabilities that are episodic in nature and may have difficulty with regular class attendance. A medical absence as defined by the Disability Services Center (DSC) is when a student is absent due to the direct effects of a disability. Legal precedent indicated that faculty might apply reasonable attendance policies, regardless of disability, but only after engaging in a thorough process to determine the role attendance plays in a given course.
Preferential Seating in Class
Student is eligible for preferred seating in lecture halls and classrooms. A seat is reserved for the student in their preferred location. A common application for this accommodation is for a student with a visual or hearing impairment to be able to sit at the front of the classroom. When appropriate DSC, may place a sign reserving a specific seat for the student in the classroom. However, when possible this is avoided to maintain the confidentiality of the student’s registration with DSC.
Student is eligible to have a reader assigned to orate exams or other materials for them.
Real-Time Captioning
Student eligible to receive real time captioning for their lectures and discussions. A real-time captionist is assigned to attend the course and provide the student a transcript of each class session. NOTE: This accommodation can also be provided remotely only if the lecture is in location with internet connectivity.
Recorded Lecture
Student is eligible to use an audio recording device to record lecture or discussion.
Restroom Break(s)
Student is permitted restroom breaks during exams, lectures, etc.
Scan and Read
Student is eligible to have their course materials scanned and converted by DSC to an accessible document format so that they can utilize reading software such as Kurzweil 1000/3000 or Read and Write Gold.
Student is eligible for a scribe for exams. Student must also have Separate Location (DSC) as an accommodation as student will have a scribe at the DSC office.
Seating for Personal Attendant/Captioner/Interpreter
Accommodation allows a seat to be reserved, in some cases next or near to the student for their Personal Attendant/Captioner/Interpreter/Course Assistant.
Separate Location (DSC)
Student is eligible to take quizzes and exams at DSC. Any student with any type of testing accommodation should also have this as an accommodation.
Service Animal
Student is eligible to have a service animal, such as a seeing eye dog, with them at all times, including lectures and discussions.
Short Break(s)
Student is allotted short break(s) during exams. This may allow for restroom breaks, a break to take medication, to get up and stretch, etc. In most cases, student should also have Separate Location (DSC) as an accommodation.
Sign Language Interpreter
Student is assigned or is allowed to have a sign language interpreter in lectures and discussions.
Testing (Other)
Student is eligible for some type of testing accommodation not on this list. The accommodation will be described in the description box.
Video Captions/Prompting
Student requires videos that are to be used in the course to have the audio captioned and/or prompted for hearing disabilities.
Wheelchair Seating
Student is eligible to have reserved seating in the wheelchair accessible seats/areas in lecture halls and classrooms.
Updated 08/19/2021