Register with DSC

To request DSC accommodation services, register by filling out the DSC Intake form. You must have your UCInetID or be a Continuing Education or visiting student to qualify for services. Please find the section below that applies to you and read through the information. If you have any questions about the form or registering that has not been addressed in the FAQs, feel free to contact DSC.

Access List of Accommodations for the types of services and accommodations provided and Documentation for more information on documentation requirements.  

Temporary Impairments

If you require temporary accommodations due to surgery, injury, and/or illness:

  1. Complete the DSC Intake Form.
  2. Contact the office at 949.824.7494 immediately after submitting the DSC Intake Form to schedule an appointment.
  3. Further steps will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Current UCI Students
  1. Complete the DSC Intake Form.
  2. DSC will contact you within 5 business days to schedule an appointment with your DSC Counselor.
  3. Meet with your DSC Counselor to discuss your documentation, needs, and accommodations.
  4. You may be asked to submit forms to your healthcare professional for completion then return to DSC via mail, email, hand delivery, or fax.
Continuing Education and Visiting Students without a UCInetID

Continuing Education Students
Please contact Mike Sciarappa at or (949) 824-6872 for assistance with obtaining a UCInetID. Once you have a UCInetID you will be able to complete the DSC Intake Form.

Visiting Students
If you are a visiting student and do not have a UCInetID, email DSC at and we will inform you on how to proceed.

Incoming First-Year Students
  1. Since you are a newly admitted UCI student, please read this message on the differences between the High School and Post-Secondary experience.
  2. Once the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline has passed and your student status has been activated (around mid-May), you can complete the DSC Intake Form. In the final text box labeled “Do you have any questions?”, indicate if you plan to attend UCI summer session (June-September courses).
  3. If you are requesting accommodations for the Fall Quarter, DSC will process your intake information at the end of June and reach out to you shortly thereafter.
  4. Meet with your DSC Counselor to discuss your documentation, needs, and accommodations.
  5. You may be asked to submit forms to your healthcare professional for completion then return to DSC via mail, email, hand delivery, or fax.

Housing offer notifications are sent via email from UCI Housing. Make sure you follow all instructions given, and pay special attention to any payment/fee requirements and deadlines that must be met.

Watch for an email invitation to register early for the Student Parent Orientation Program (SPOP). Orientation is mandatory for all incoming first-year students.

Incoming Transfer Students
  1. Once the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline has passed and your student status has been activated (around mid-May), you can complete the DSC Intake Form. Complete the DSC Intake Form. In the final text box labeled “Do you have any questions?”, indicate if you plan to attend UCI summer session (June-September courses).
  2. If you are requesting accommodations for the Fall Quarter, DSC will process your intake information at the end of June and reach out to you shortly thereafter.
  3. Meet with your DSC Counselor to discuss your documentation, needs, and accommodations.
  4. You may be asked to submit forms to your healthcare professional for completion then return to DSC via mail, email, hand delivery, or fax.

Housing offer notifications are sent via email from UCI Housing. Make sure you follow all instructions given, and pay special attention to any payment/fee requirements and deadlines that must be met.

Watch for an email invitation to register early for the Transfer Student Parent Orientation Program (TSPOP). Orientation is highly recommended for incoming transfer students.

Incoming Graduate Students
  1. Once the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline has passed and your student status has been activated (around mid-May), you can complete the DSC Intake Form. Complete the DSC Intake Form. In the final text box labeled “Do you have any questions?”, indicate your program start date.
  2. If you are requesting accommodations for the Fall Quarter, DSC will process your intake information at the end of June and reach out to you shortly thereafter.
  3. Meet with your DSC Counselor to discuss your documentation, needs, and accommodations.
  4. You may be asked to submit forms to your healthcare professional for completion then return to DSC via mail, email, hand delivery, or fax.

Housing offer notifications are sent via email from UCI Housing. Make sure follow all instructions given, and pay special attention to any payment/fee requirements and deadlines that must be met.

Watch for an email invitation to the Graduate Student Orientation.

Emotional Support Animal for UCI Housing

  1. Complete the DSC Intake Form. In the final section there is a statement that reads “I am requesting.” Check the box for emotional support animal for UCI housing.
  2. Once you submit, you will be prompted to fill out the following 2 documents and click a link to apply for ESA Housing.
  3. Complete and submit the ESA Application and wait for a response from the Review Committee.

Questions about ESAs can be sent to Incoming Fall Students: You will not be able to submit an online application in the ESA portal until your UCI NetID is active. Activation of UCI NetIDs is done in batches and should be done in early June.